Comment Policy
At Dr. History X, we encourage thoughtful discussions and debates about history. To keep our comment section respectful and engaging, we ask all participants to follow these guidelines:
1. Stay on Topic
- Comments should be relevant to the article and the historical event discussed.
- Off-topic discussions, spam, or self-promotion will be removed.
2. Be Respectful
- Debate ideas, not individuals. Personal attacks, harassment, or hate speech will not be tolerated.
- Disagreements are welcome, but they must remain civil and constructive.
3. No Misinformation or Historical Denialism
- We welcome corrections to factual inaccuracies, but spreading deliberate misinformation, conspiracy theories, or historical denialism is prohibited.
- If you believe an article contains an error, provide credible sources to support your claim.
4. No Hate Speech or Discrimination
- Any comment containing racism, sexism, homophobia, antisemitism, or any other form of hate speech will be removed, and repeat offenders may be banned.
5. No Trolling or Disruptive Behavior
- Do not post inflammatory, off-topic, or provocative comments solely to provoke reactions.
- Intentional attempts to derail discussions or flood the comment section will result in moderation.
6. Keep it Legal
- Do not post anything that violates copyright, encourages illegal activity, or discloses private information about others.
7. Moderation and Enforcement
- Our team reserves the right to edit, delete, or restrict comments that violate these guidelines.
- Repeat offenders may be banned from commenting.
Footnote: These guidelines may be revised or updated at any time, without notice.